App logo

{{config('')}} Installation ( {{config('app.version')}}V )

@if (isset($error))

{{ $error }}

@endif @if (isset($message))

{{ $message }}

@if (isset($output))
{{ $output }}

Website address
Your website is located at this URL

{{ $path }}

Administration Area
Use the following link to log into the administration area:

{{ $path }}/auth/login

Password: 12345678

Don't forget to change your username and password after successful installation.

Close installation

@else @if ($case === 'environment')
Let's read complete guideline about proper installation step by step if you are facing any issue.
PHP Version (>={{ 8.1 }}) @if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, 8.1, '>')) @else @endif
@php $missing = false; @endphp @foreach (['pdo', 'mbstring', 'fileinfo', 'openssl', 'tokenizer', 'json', 'curl', 'xml','zip','gd','iconv','simplexml','xmlreader','zlib'] as $extention)
@if (extension_loaded($extention)) PHP {{ $extention }} extension loaded @else PHP {{ $extention }} extension is missing @php $missing = true; @endphp @endif
@if ($missing) Fixed ? Reload ! @else @endif

The installation of the database and the loading of all the basic data of the application will be carried out.

This may take a while, please wait and don't close the page.

@endif @endif

Support and questions (
If you need support, please send me an email using the contact form on my envato user page. I usually respond to support requests within 24 hours so please feel free to contact me with problems of any kind or even simple questions, I don’t mind to respond.